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Breathing Easy: Conquering Obstructive Sleep Apnea for Better Health - Improving Collaboration Amongst Multidisciplinary Teams to Tackle OSA
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a prevalent but often underestimated sleep disorder with significant implications for the health and well-being of individuals in the United States. Despite its impact on chronic diseases and healthcare costs, OSA remains underdiagnosed, leading to untreated sleep apnea and its consequences. With emerging strategies for OSA treatment, it’s crucial for healthcare providers to stay informed about the latest clinical evidence shaping the treatment landscape.
Improving Survival in First-Line Metastatic NSCLC with Dual Checkpoint Blockade: Real-world Applications in Clinical Practice / Activity 2
This educational initiative is designed for community-based oncology clinicians (physicians, nurse practitioners [NPs], physician assistants [PAs], pharmacists, and nurses) to enhance outcomes for individuals with who provide care for individuals with mNSCLC. This interactive online activity uses the game-based platform Kahoot! to test participant ability to identify and apply key learning points to metastatic NSCLC (mNSCLC) patient cases while competing against their colleagues. Expert faculty will discuss the emerging efficacy and safety data for CTLA-4 inhibitor combination regimens in mNSCLC and explore strategies to identify patients who would most benefit from these therapies through the use of biomarkers. Additionally, there will be an in-depth discussion regarding approaches to effectively collaborate with other clinicians and mNSCLC patients to provide cost-effective, equitable, and inclusive care for patients of all socioeconomic and racial/ethnic backgrounds. Join us for Part 1 of this question and answer based educational activity, Improving Survival in First-line Metastatic NSCLC with Dual Checkpoint Blockade: Exploring Recent Data and Treatment Strategies for an in-depth dive into the data!
The Value and Importance of Not Postponing Joy
Educating your advanced cancer patients about the value and importance of not postponing joy. There is a tendency to avoid discussing the future, too far in advance, with your patients with advanced disease. The sooner we bring up the topic of not postponing joy, the better however. Patients may even say that they are planning on a family vacation to Disney World in 2 years. Your thoughts immediately go to estimating when she will be likely too ill to go but may not be verbalizing this to her. You don’t want to take away hope and burst that bubble. It however isn’t fair to the patient to be assuming that no response from you regarding such an announcement, or worse, saying that this sounds great, is doing her an injustice. Additionally, though she may still be living in two years and technically able to go to Disney World, she may very well be spending her time in the hotel room and not enjoying herself and her children/grandchildren doing park activities. Her goal wasn’t to be in a bed too weak to partake of this important family adventure. This is why a discussion about “Don’t Postpone Joy” is so important. It fits for many clinical settings too.
Dermatology Dialogues | Gaining and Maintaining Flare Control in Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis: Enhancing Patient Quality of Life
This 4 part-15 minute segmented vodcast/podcast will unite dermatology and allergy clinicians, who provide care for patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (M-S AD).
Build Your Own Case Study | From Evidence to Practice: Enhancing T2D Outcomes with Informed Approaches on Obesity
The tie between type 2 diabetes (T2D) and overweight/obesity is a significant global public health issue, supported by decades of extensive research. Despite formal clinical guidelines recommendations in addressing both diseases, the initiation or intensification of therapies that improve glycemic control and achieve weight reduction targets are slowly adopted into clinical practice, particularly for patients with T2D. Given the overlap of these two conditions, it is imperative that healthcare providers worldwide align clinical practice with evidence-based guidelines and the latest clinical findings using newer agents to treat both diseases.
Improving Survival in First-Line Metastatic NSCLC with Dual Checkpoint Blockade: Exploring Recent Data and Treatment Strategies / Activity 1
This educational initiative is designed for community-based oncology clinicians (physicians, nurse practitioners [NPs], physician assistants [PAs], pharmacists, and nurses) to enhance outcomes for individuals with who provide care for individuals with mNSCLC. This interactive online activity uses the game-based platform Kahoot! to test participant ability to identify and apply key learning points while competing against their colleagues. Expert faculty will discuss the emerging efficacy and safety data for CTLA-4 inhibitor combination regimens in metastatic NSCLC (mNSCLC) and explore strategies to identify patients who would most benefit from these therapies through the use of biomarkers. Additionally, there will be an in-depth discussion regarding approaches to effectively collaborate with other clinicians and mNSCLC patients to provide cost-effective, equitable, and inclusive care for patients of all socioeconomic and racial/ethnic backgrounds. Join us for Part 2 of this question and answer based educational activity, Improving Survival in First-line Metastatic NSCLC with Dual Checkpoint Blockade: Real-world Applications in Clinical Practice to apply the evidence to real-world patient cases!
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