- On-Demand
The Importance of Being Honest
- Part of the Series: Oncology Communications Skills
- Available: September 16, 2024 —
- September 15, 2025
- Credit: 0.25hr(s)
- Credit Types: CME
- Therapeutic Areas: Oncology
- Specialties: Breast Cancer
- Location: Internet Activity Enduring
Course Description
Of everything we do for our patients, the most important thing we can give them is honesty.
What you will learn from this module:
- Learn that being honest with patients about their disease and its prognosis is very important for patients to know so they can plan out the remainder of their lives.
- Honesty doesn’t take away hope; it helps the patient move through phases of hope.
- 50% of the time, doctors do not disclose the patients’ actual prognosis.
- Patients do not understand or know the difference between palliative chemotherapy and active chemotherapy treatments, unless they are told.
- Teaching patients to be optimistic for as long as it is realistic, while having an end of life plan in place should be our mantra.
- Avoidance of honesty may be linked to an oncologist’s feelings of believing they have failed the patient by not being able to save or sustain their life.